Coronavirus Guildelines

by admin
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NEW COVID 19 – EASING OF RESTRICTIONS– Bulletin 8 – Prayers at Masjid Ibrahim
Assalamualykum Warahamatullahi Wabarakatuhu,
Respected Community members,
The WA Government announced easing of Phase 4 Covid 19 restrictions. In line with government directives, and taking into account the new measures, effective Saturday 26th June 2020, Masjid Ibrahim will increase the maximum occupancy during all daily congregational prayers to 150 people while maintaining a safe distance and no more than one person per 2 sqm of space.
In addition, during Jumuah prayers, to accommodate the increased numbers, the Masjid will open all sections of the masjid and increase the maximum allowance to 175 congregants during the 2 Jumuah sessions below:
Jumuah Session Times (Effective Friday 3 July 2020):
Session 1 – 12.30PM (Parking at Old Musallah except for elderly can park at Main Masjid)
Session 2 – 1.20 PM (Parking at Main Masjid Car Park and Overflow parking area)
Everyone attending the Masjid must continue observe the following guidelines and protocols:
1. For Jumuah salat in order for us to manage numbers and allow contact tracing, those that have pre-registered on the online registration system will be given first preference to pray in the Masjid. For other daily congregational prayer online registration system is not mandatory. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend all congregants must enter their contact details on the registration forms at the entrance
of the mosque to allow contact tracing;
2. When you enter the Masjid, you MUST SANITIZE your hands at any of the 2 sanitizer stations placed at the entrance corridor of the mosque;
3. We strongly recommend you perform wudhu at home or your workplace;
4. Bring your own Prayer mat – No mat, No prayers;
5. FEMALE prayer area will now be open and ladies must maintain a safe distance and no more than one person per 2 sqm of space while performing salaat in the ladies praying area;
6. DO NOT attend if you have any of the following symptoms (cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat or shortness of breath) or are sick or have any other chronic illness;
7. NO gatherings are allowed inside or outside the mosque before or after any prayers and please vacate the masjid and car-park as quickly as possible.
These measures are subject to change to comply with new developments and government directives as they occur in the future.
Masjid Ibrahim Management
Current as at 27th June 2020
Duas for Protection from all Harms Including Coronavirus
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